Friday 9 November 2012

Pod Design - Details

Passenger Pod

  • For the transport of passengers only
  • Berth at PRT Station platforms on Level Basement 1

Freight Pod
  • For the transport of custom pallet sized containers between Truck unloading and Myer Centre Facility
  • Ideal for big retailers/supermarkets/department stores recieving frequent large scale orders and goods sent from their own warehouse facilities
  • Pallet size containers are ideally shaped and sized for truck transport
  • Berth at loading dock platforms on Levels Basement 1 and 2
Courier Pod
  • For multiple deliveries on one round trip - where personel is required to transport and deliver goods to more than one recipient (multiple orders)
  • Ideal for stores sending out purchases to online customer
  • Ideal for small retailers recieving stock and smaller orders
  • Berth at loading dock platforms on Levels Basement 1 and 2
Pod Berthing Platform
  • Passengers board pods
  • Pods not in use berth in allocated parking spaces
  • Pods batteries recharge while parked at berths 

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