Thursday 8 November 2012

Pickup and Distrobution Facility

With cars taken out of the central retail district in the CBD, large carparking facilities are now without a use or purpose. These structures can now be transformed into pickup and distrobution facilities for the purpose of receiving/sending out goods.
  • Allows retailers to recieve and send out stock efficiently via the new PRT transport network that has replaced the old congested road network
  • The PRT network has the flexibility to be built directly into these confined spaces, allowing retailers and their customers direct access to the transportation network
  • Allows customers to pickup their purchased goods from numerous retailers/businesses at the same time at the same place as where they can catch their own private pod for their trip home, replacing the convenience of the car boot.
Types of Spaces Needed

  • Space for retail storage of purchased goods and pickup
    • Room for:
      • customer service desk/s
      • stock storage space
      • office for managements of orders, stock recieving/sending
      • space for recieving/sending goods to/from retailers and business in the building
  • Cargo pod unloading/loading area
    • room for:
      • parking/berthing cargo pods while their unloaded/loaded
      • circulation space connecting to pickup and distrobution areas
      • pod tracks connecting to PRT network
      • service lift access to retail area above
  • Public PRT station
    • room for:
      • circulation and platforms
      • pod tracks connecting to pod network 
  • Central circulation space for public
    • room for:
      • wide corridors adjacent to pickup and PRT station
      • toilets
      • adjacent to lifts
  • Building utilities
    • room for
      • lighting, wiring
      • plumbing
      • air ventilation systems

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